Two days.
One decision.
Are you in?
Edge Venture is focused on helping men defeat lies that have been holding them back for far too long. These lies get in the way of relationship(s) with your:
Can you allocate 44 hours of your time to take back ground from the enemy? That is an Edge Venture weekend. Deeply experiential, radically relational, and focused on allowing God to help men take back control of their lives.
Watch our video and discover what Edge Venture is all about!
Edge Venture IS ABOUT…
Honoring Jesus
Speaking Truth
Safe Environments
Defeating Lies
At Edge Venture, WE SEEK…
Wisdom from The Father
Strength from The Son
Power through The Holy Spirit
Peace with others
Edge Venture is NOT about…
Private Self-Reflection
Ask Yourself…
Do you have regrets?
What’s your “hiding place” away from reality?
Is SHAME keeping you from being the man God wants you to be?
Is FEAR or FAITH driving your life and choices?
Your life can be different. This weekend will be a huge step towards how you really want to live your life. It starts with one decision.
Are you in?
Our Mission
Edge Venture is a Christian Men’s Experience that helps men understand and accept who Jesus has called them to be by identifying and facing their brokenness and receiving healing.